Rules and Regulations
2023/2024 Edition
The BritchamDR Young Musician of the Caribbean Award (BritchamDR YMoCA) is a musical initiative that benefits the promotion of classical music in all the Caribbean islands and represents a partnership between the British Chamber of Commerce in the Dominican Republic (BritchamDR), the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music in London (ABRSM), and Bangor University of Wales (Bangor), with the collaboration of the Embassy of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the Dominican Republic (British Embassy).
Anyone who meets the requirements set forth herein is eligible to audition. BritchamDR YMoCA is a fully inclusive project.
We actively encourage and welcome all musicians, students and professionals, within the age range of the competition. It’s our vision and desire that all musicians – regardless of their musical level – live the BritchamDR YMoCA experience.